FoodEs是一个食品应用和餐厅配送,你可以根据你的口味和生活方式来享受食物,从素食主义者、素食主义者和辛辣爱好者开始,可以轻松选择有特定菜单的餐厅来满足我们的口味。你还在等什么,现在就实现你的梦想吧! 有任何反馈、要求或问题?请联系:farhanpoozan@gmail.com
FoodEs is a food application and restaurant delivery, you can enjoy food according to your taste and lifestyle, starting with vegan, vegetarian, and spicy enthusiasts can easily choose a restaurant that has a specific menu to our tastes. What are you waiting for, realize your dream now! Have any feedback, requests, or questions? Get in touch: farhanpoozan@gmail.com