我们创建了仪表板套件,以帮助你为你的客户设计漂亮的界面。Sketch和Photoshop文件带有Roboto字体,这是一种谷歌免费网络字体。这个工具包将让你在几个小时内创造出一流的用户体验。 这个UI包包括符号和图层样式,因此你只需点击几下,就能轻松地改变整个UI包的颜色。
We create Dashboard kit to help you design beautiful interfaces for your clients. The Sketch and Photoshop files comes with Roboto font, which is a Google Free Web Font. This pack will allow you to create top-notch UX experiences in a matter of hours. This UI Kit includes Symbols and Layer Styles, so that you will easily be able to change the entire UI Kit’s colors in just a few clicks!