适用于Photoshop的优雅和现代的UI工具包,包含10个类别的450多个元素。所有的组件都是完全可定制的,易于使用。各层组织良好,并精心命名。所有使用的字体都是免费的谷歌字体。 内置的模拟图 我们所有的模拟图都是用高分辨率的智能对象创建的。你也可以从调色板中选择任何颜色,并将其应用到模型上。
Elegant and modern UI Kit for Photoshop with 450+ elements in 10 categories. All the component are fully customizable and easy to use. Layers are well-organized and carefully named. All the fonts used are free Google Fonts. Built MockUps All our mockups are created with smart objects in high resolution. Also you can choose any color from the palette and apply it to mockup.Playfair Display