相关的是一个高质量的UI工具包包,包括50多个金融移动屏幕,这将加速你的设计过程,并将帮助你开发一个出色的产品或MVP原型。 所有的图层都被分组、命名和组织。相关的UI工具包可以帮助你迅速地创建新鲜和复杂的金融技术设计。 Relevant,是一个为iPhone X设计的移动金融相关的应用程序,现在就下载!
Relevant is a high-quality UI Kit pack of 50+ finance mobile screens which will accelerate your design process and will help you develop an outstanding product or MVP prototype. All layers are grouped, named and organized. Relevant UI Kit helps you swiftly create fresh and complex fintech designs. Relevant, a mobile finance related app designed for the iPhone X. Download now!