Cabar iOS UI Kit是一个高质量的包,包含120多个基于iOS 13的餐厅、酒吧和咖啡馆休息室的社交应用程序屏幕,这将加速你的设计过程,并将帮助开发一个出色的体验。100%基于矢量,所以所有的屏幕都可以很容易地调整大小以适应其他的iPhone屏幕。尺寸为375×812和375×667。每个屏幕都是完全可定制的,易于使用,并且是用爱Sketch、XD和Photoshop手工制作的。 所有图层和符号都被整齐地分组、命名和组织。它还包含如何定制颜色、字体和样式的详细说明。免费的谷歌字体Lato。为每个人制作 – 设计师、设计工作室、iOS开发者。要有创意,要有威力。用爱设计 – capicreativedesign@gmail.com
Cabar iOS UI Kit is a high quality pack of 120+ social app screens based on iOS 13 for Restaurants, Bar and Cafe lounge which will accelerate your design process and will help develop an outstanding experience. 100% Vector Based, so all screens can be easily resized to fit other iPhone screens. Dimensions 375×812 and 375×667. Each screen is fully customizable, easy to use and handcrafted with love Sketch, XD and Photoshop. All layers and symbols are neatly grouped, named and organized. It also contains detailed instruction how to customize colors, fonts and styles. Free Google fonts Lato. Made for everyone – Designers, Design Studios, iOS Developers. Be Creative, Be Awesome. Design with love – capicreativedesign@gmail.com