通过分为32个流行类别的240多个屏幕,加快你的移动应用设计工作流程。整套软件是建立在iOS设计指南的基础上的,具有本地组件和模式。每个屏幕都是完全可定制的,符号化的,易于使用。整套软件在自定义颜色主题和排版方面提供了巨大的灵活性。 作为奖励,你将收到100多个自定义图标、视频教程和大纲设备模板。这简直是你为你的iOS产品制作优秀的线框图所需要的唯一套装。今天就用这个史诗般的套装来加快你的设计工作流程吧。
Speed up your mobile app design workflow with 240+ screens divided into 32 popular categories. The entire set is built on the top of iOS Design Guidelines with native components and patterns. Each screen is fully customizable, symbolized and easy to use. The entire set offers huge flexibility in terms of custom color themes and typography. As a bonus, you are going to receive 100+ custom icons, video tutorial, and outline device templates. This is literally the only set you are going to ever need to make excellent wireframes for your iOS products. Speed up your design workflow today with this epic kit.