把你的工作提高到一个新的水平,用这些移动模拟插图和美妙的背景屏幕渐变来创造原创的、不同的、有趣的和强大的演示。 这个工具包由三种风格的背景组成:彩色、冷色调和暖色调;而且超级容易使用和改变颜色和风格。还有,十四个极简主义的手机模拟图,有不同的视角,易于定制。
Take your work to the next level and create original, different, funny, and powerful presentations with these mobile mockup illustrations and fabulous backgrounds screens gradients. This kit is composed of three styles of background: colorful, cold, and warm tones; and super-easy to use and change colors and styles. And also, fourteen minimalists mobile mockups, with different perspectives, and easy to customize.