Pacificblue是一个WordPress的投资组合主题。你可以用多种方式展示你的项目和投资组合(基于类别或直接)。我们保持它的简洁和无杂乱,以确保优质的用户体验。Pacificblue的代码有大量的文档和良好的组织,你在扩展和修改它的部分时不会面临任何困难。 最重要的是,我们为你提供了强大的支持 :)
Pacificblue is a portfolio theme for WordPress. You can showcase your projects and portfolios in versatile ways (category based or straightforward). We’ve kept it clean and clutter-free to ensure a premium user experience. Pacificblue’s code is heavily documented and well organized, you will not face any difficulties to extend and modify parts of it. And the best part is that you’re covered with awesome support by us :)