Layers是一个全面记录的、包罗万象的设计系统。由行业资深人士构建,其重点在于让设计师和开发者都能快速、轻松地创造出可爱的产品。 该设计系统使用一个由组件、块和示例产品组成的定制系统,让你在几分钟而不是几小时内构建你的页面。你将能够花更多的时间来确定用户体验,而不是专注于界面本身。 Layers特别注意确保其组件能被尽可能多的用户群使用。这意味着,每一个组件都经过了彻底的无障碍测试。
Layers is a thoroughly documented, all-encompassing design system. Built by industry veterans, its focus lies on allowing designers and developers alike to quickly and easily create lovable products. The design system uses a tailor-made system of components, blocks and example products to allow you to construct your pages in minutes rather than hours. You’ll be able to spend more time nailing down the user experience, rather than focus on the interface itself. Layers pays special attention to ensuring that its components are usable by as large of a group of users as possible. This means that each and every component has been thoroughly tested for accessibility purposes.