NFT Distro,一个为NFT市场提供的完全可定制的UI设计套件,包括独家设计文件、美丽的色彩,以及Figma、Sketch和Adobe XD的设计系统。 用高质量的屏幕更快地创建NFT市场的移动应用设计 这个软件包包括一个响应式和完全定制的IOS和Android模板,以及30多个干净、简约但美观的预制屏幕。 请在下面的评论区告诉我们你的想法或要求。
NFT Distro, a Fully Customazable UI Design kit for NFT Market, including exclusive design files, beautiful color, and design system in Figma, Sketch and Adobe XD. Create NFT Market mobile app design faster with a high-quality Screens This package includes a responsive and fully customized IOS and Android templates with 30+ clean & minimal but aesthetically pleasing pre-made screens. Let us know your thoughts or requests in the comments section below.