,COCO的设计是为了使你的界面和演示美观。在4种风格[粗体、直线、Doutone、双色]的像素完美的设计下,图标在任何尺寸下都看起来很流畅。4种风格创造了一个额外的维度,使图标更加活泼。 608个图标是在24像素的关键线网格上创建的。轻松地交换到你的品牌颜色,以获得一致的外观。 我正在接受新的图标请求。
COCO is designed to make your interfaces and presentations beautiful. With pixel-perfect design in 4 style [Bold, line, Doutone, twotone] , icons look Smooth at any size. 4 style creates an added dimension and completes the icons more lively. 608 icons created on a 24 pixels keyline grid. Easily swap to your brand colors for a consistent look. I am accepting new icon requests.